Trade news

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Fifth of Northern Ireland farm employees are EU migrants

John Campbell | BBC | 10/02/2018

The research has been published by the Department of Agriculture. It used the agricultural census to establish that the vast majority of NI’s 49,000 farm workers were self-employed owners, business…

U.K. Needs Trade Deals With Seven Americas to Offset Brexit Pain

Anurag Kotoky | Bloomberg | 10/02/2018

U.K. Needs Trade Deals With Seven Americas to Offset Brexi...

KKR Bets Southeast Asia Will Be a Trade War Winner

Marcus Wright and Elffie Chew | Bloomberg | 10/02/2018

KKR & Co. is seeking to invest more in Southeast As...

United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Office of the United States Trade Representative | 10/01/2018

PREAMBLE The Government of the United States of America, the ...

Canada agrees to join trade accord with U.S. and Mexico, sending new NAFTA deal to Congress

David Lynch | The Washington Post | 10/01/2018

Canada agreed late Sun...

The euro area can protect its growth from trade problems

Dr. Michael Ivanovitch | CNBC | 10/01/2018

The long-brewing trans-Atlantic train wreck now seems inevita...


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