Trade news

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South Africa Trade Surplus at 8-Month High as Mine Exports Rise

Rene Vollgraaff | Bloomberg | 10/01/2019

South Africa’s trade balance swung to its biggest surplus in eight months in August as mining exports surged. The 6.8 billion rand ($448 million) surplus compares with a revised 3.7…

Major U.S. investors have billions at risk in Chinese stocks

Noel Randewich | Reuters | 10/01/2019

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Major U.S. fund managers have t...

US farmers struggle to replace China market despite Donald Trump’s trade wins

yan McCrimmon | Politico | 10/01/2019

    The trade deal US President Donald Trump...

China is not the only one that has to change its business practices, says Yale’s Stephen Roach

Yen Nee Lee and Saheli Roy Choudhury | CNBC | 10/01/2019


World Commerce Shrinking Amid Trade War and Sapping Global Economy

Peter S. Goodman | the New York Times | 10/01/2019

  LONDON — A weakening world economy, P...

Constricting investments into Chinese companies could hit the US as hard as it hits China

Evelyn Cheng | CNBC | 09/30/2019

KEY POINTS Reports on Friday said the W...

How Russian-UK Chemical Fertiliser, Seafood, Metals Trade Can Thrive Post-Brexit

Sputnik News | 09/30/2019

Uncertainties over Brexit have already hurt the UK’s fi...


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