Trade news

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Chinese importers buy U.S. soybean cargoes despite ports congestion

Hallie Gu and Karl Plume | Reuters | 11/13/2019

Chinese commercial importers made new purchases of U.S. soybeans this week, according to two sources, even as up to 2 million tonnes of American cargoes were waiting to offload at…

Trump bashes Europe for ‘terrible’ trade barriers

Jeff Mason, Tim Ahmann, Chizu Nomiyama | Reuters | 11/13/2019

NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. Presid...

China’s Pork Crisis Is Bigger Than You Think

Tanner Brown | Barrons | 11/13/2019

One doesn’t appreciate the magnitude and importance of the role pork plays in t...

Farmers finding news avenues for Kansas wheat overseas

Alice Mannette | Hutchinson News | 11/13/2019

In late October, the CEO of Kansas Wheat traveled to Brazil a...

Economy in mind, Bolsonaro changes tack and cozies up to Xi

David Biller, Diane Jeantet | 11/13/2019

What a difference a year makes. In the months before last yea...

European fashion poised to win big in historic trade deal

Ivan Castano | Vogue Business | 11/13/2019

After 20 years of negotiations, the EU and South America’s Me...

What does a trade deal promise for soybean exports?

University of Illinois | Wisconsin State Farmer | 11/13/2019

The proposed Phase 1 trade deal with China contin...


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