Trade news

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ICC Goes Live with Trade Digitalisation Effort; Announces Executive Appointment to Lead Digital Standards Initiative

International Chamber of Commerce | 09/08/2020

ICC – renowned for its global standards that enable trillions of dollars of cross-border transactions each year – has announced the operational launch of a major new initiative to ensure…

Japan Wants to Reach Broad Agreement on Trade with UK This Week: Government Official

Kaori Kaneko | Reuters | 09/08/2020

TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan wants to re...

Coronavirus: Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Statement

EEAS Press Team | European External Action Service | 09/07/2020

Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) statement on coronavi...

Argentina/Brazil Bilateral Trade in First Eight Months Declines 20.5 Percent Year-on-Year

Juan Martinez | The Rio Times | 09/07/2020


India Initiates Probe Against Alleged Dumping of Vitamin C from China

The Tribune | 09/07/2020

India has initiated a probe into the alleged dumping of Vitamin C, ...

Brussels Trade Role Up for Grabs as Ireland Puts Forward EU Candidates

Jim Brunsden | Sam Fleming| Financial Times | 09/04/2020

Ireland is set to lose the EU̵...

Peterson Blasts Lack of Deal on Brazil Ethanol Tariff

Bill Tomson | Agri Pulse | 09/04/2020

U.S. and Brazilian negotiators continue to haggle over U.S. access to...


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