Trade news

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Beijing Restricts Frozen Food Import From High-Risk Covid Places

Anuradha Raghu | Bloomberg | 09/28/2020

China’s capital city urged companies to halt imports of frozen food from countries that have been severely hit by the pandemic as fears continue to mount over the possibility of…

Iranian President Accuses US of ‘Savagery’ After New Sanctions

Hassan Rouhani | Aljazeera | 09/26/2020

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has accused the United...

Vietnam’s EU Trade Deal Fails to Inspire COVID-hit Neighbors

Nikkei Asian Review | 09/25/2020

PRAGUE/JAKARTA — Southeast Asian countries facing the da...

Trump Approves Final Plan to Import Drugs From Canada ‘for a Fraction of the Price’

Phil Galewitz | KHN | 09/25/2020

President Donald Trump, outlining his “Am...

Justice Department asks Judge to Allow U.S. to Bar WeChat from U.S. App Stores

David Shepardson | Reuters | 09/25/2020

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Justi...

At UN, Africa Urges Fiscal Help against Virus ‘Apocalypse’

Cara Anna | Associated Press | 09/25/2020

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — African nations came out swinging on ...

Exclusive: U.S. and U.K. announce AI partnership

Ashley Gold | Axios | 09/25/2020

The Trump administration is set to announce that the United States and the Unite...


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