Trade news

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OPEC+ panel says uncertainties may impact oil demand recovery

Reuters Staff | Reuters | 03/31/2021

DUBAI (Reuters) – OPEC+ has lowered its 2021 oil demand growth forecast by 300,000 barrels per day reflecting concerns about the market’s recovery amid a wave of new coronavirus lockdowns,…

Automakers BMW, Volvo back moratorium on deep seabed mining

Frank Jordans | AP | 03/31/2021

BERLIN (AP) — Automakers BMW and Volvo announced Wednesday that they s...

Exclusive: A billion for every chip-maker who ‘makes in India,’ sources say

Sankalp Phartiyal | Aditi Shah | Reuters | 03/31/2021

NEW DELHI (Reuters)...

Suez Canal: Egypt begins inquiry into cargo ship’s grounding

BBC News | 03/31/2021

Egypt has begun a formal investigation into how a giant container ship bl...

China-Australia relations: more than 11,000 litres of wine detained in Shenzhen as ban continues

Su-Lin Tan | South China Morning Post | 03/31/2021

Australian wi...

Biden Details $2 Trillion Plan to Rebuild Infrastructure and Reshape the Economy

Jim Tankersley | New York Times | 03/31/2021

The president will begin selling hi...

Suez Canal Traffic Resumes Slowly as Some Ships Weigh Anchor, Others Wait

Benoit Faucon | Stephen Kalin | WSJ | 03/30/2021

Ships were again moving slowly through ...


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