Irish freight volumes to EU ports doubled in first month of Brexit




DUBLIN (Reuters) – Irish freight volumes to and from European Union ports doubled in January, the government said on Monday, as many traders shunned the once-speedier route to the continent through Britain due to Brexit red tape and delays.

For decades, the so-called UK landbridge offered exporters the swiftest route between Ireland and mainland Europe. The UK’s exit from the EU at the end of 2020 has led to a three-fold rise in direct routes in the last 12 months, mainly to French ports.

Volumes were down 50% on routes between Ireland and Britain last month, the government said. That includes the large amount of direct goods trade between the neighbouring countries.

The large drop was due to a number of factors including pre-Brexit stockpiling, COVID-19 restrictions and the new Brexit checks, the government said, adding that volumes were gradually increasing and up 11% week-on-week in the final week of January.

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