We invite your support to expand the WITA Academy as we introduce new, tailored programs designed to advance trade education and engagement. While WITA’s policy webinars and signature events will continue to thrive, these new initiatives represent an important evolution in our efforts to address the complexities of trade policy. With additional support, we can broaden our impact and better serve the global trade community.
The WITA Academy™ is a program of the Washington International Trade Foundation. Through its programs, the WITA Academy is committed to strengthening the trade community by bringing together a broad range of perspectives and creating opportunities for engagement amongst the trade community. Expanding access to education and professional development ensures the continued growth and success of the trade community, shaping the future of trade policy.
By sponsoring the WITA Academy, you support an array of educational initiatives, each aimed at cultivating the next generation of trade professionals and equipping current practitioners with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed:
- Pathways to Opportunity™: Engaging college and university students in programs that explore careers in international trade across sectors such as agriculture, technology, textiles, and finance.
- Trade & Law Series: A specialized program introducing law students and undergraduates to career opportunities in international trade law, featuring insights from law firms and trade professionals.
- Intensive Trade Seminars™: Since 2008, these seminars have provided participants with a comprehensive introduction to trade policy, featuring sessions led by experts from government, academia, and the private sector.
- Trade on the Hill Series: Tailored for congressional trade and tax staffers, these off-the-record discussions focus on critical trade policy topics and foster collaboration among Hill colleagues.
- WITA Internship Program: Interns gain exposure to the global trade community, Washington’s political environment, and international trade policy. They develop office skills, event management expertise, and professional networks while learning about trade. Support allows the Academy to offer paid opportunities, making the program accessible to a wide array of applicants.
- WITA Academy Fellowship: The Foundation will fund a one-year paid Fellowship within WITA to build skills and develop management experience. The WITA Fellow will help guide and lead the work of WITA interns, with the guidance of the WITA leadership. Fellows will also have the opportunity to serve in a leadership role with WITA’s Young Trade Professionals affiliate.
Sponsorship Levels