On February 27 and February 29, WITA hosted briefings by U.S. industry representatives live from World Trade Organization’s Thirteenth Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi.
Please join us on March 4 as trade leaders brief us on key outcomes of the Ministerial and share behind the scenes insights into what went on in the negotiations and behind the scenes in Abu Dhabi.
Special Guest:
Angela Ellard, Deputy Director General of the WTO
Featured Speakers:
Christine Bliss, President, Coalition of Services Industries (CSI)
Ed Brzytwa, Vice President of International Trade, Consumer Technology Association
Ben Conner, Partner, DTB AgriTrade, LLP
Kyle Johnson, Director of Trade Policy, Information Technology Industry Council
Douglas Petersen, Deputy Vice President for International Trade, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Alice Slayton Clark, Senior VP of Trade, Investment and Digital Policy, US Council for International Business
Moderator: Penny Naas, TradeExperettes