This course did not offer trade celebrities or the latest rumors. But, its single-speaker professional lecture with advanced slides did deliver a comprehensive understanding of the obligations that the U.S. has taken on in the entire body of WTO Agreements. In the most recent phase of his 40-year trade career, Professor Gold had taught this field on the doctoral and post-graduate levels at one of the nation’s leading law schools for more than a decade. He designed this five-day course for busy trade professionals, carefully utilizing every minute of your time to deliver a full understanding of the complete structure and content of the WTO global trading system.
Dates: July 22 ‐ 26, 2024
Content and Schedule: are here
Meals and receptions included:
Breakfast: 5 days (Mon – Fri)
Lunch: 5 days (Mon – Fri)
Reception: 2 days (Mon & Thur)
Price: $ 9,975
Government and Group discounts available!
Click here for detailed information and registration.