Add to Calendar 2025/03/04 4:00 PM 2025/03/04 6:00 PM America/New_York Trade 2025: Business Strategies for Uncertain Times Jack Morton Auditorium
Non-WITA event

Trade 2025: Business Strategies for Uncertain Times

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (EST)
Jack Morton Auditorium | GW Center for International Business Education and Research

The event will open with an armchair conversation on the latest developments in trade policy and the impact on international business, followed by a panel featuring representatives from four industries: fashion, tech, automotive and agriculture. They will discuss how their industries are adapting to the rapid changes in trade policy and the uncertainty that these changes have created.

Featured Speakers:

Armchair Conversation:

Christine McDaniel, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center, George Mason University

Yuka Hayashi, Vice President for Japan Research and Analyses, The Asia Group; Former reporter on trade and international economy, Wall Street Journal

Panel Discussion:

Ed Brzytwa, Vice President of International Trade, Consumer Technology Association

Rory Heslington, Vice President of Government Affairs, Autos Drive America

Julie Hughes, President, U.S. Fashion Industry Association

Maria Zieba, Vice President of Government Affairs, National Pork Producers Council

Moderator: Evelyn Suarez, Principal, The Suarez Firm