Add to Calendar 2025/03/18 10:00 AM 2025/03/18 11:00 AM America/New_York Snapshot of the Border: The Cost of Tariffs and Non-Tariff Trade Frictions WITA Webinar
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Snapshot of the Border: The Cost of Tariffs and Non-Tariff Trade Frictions

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EST)
WITA Webinar WITA Online Event

Since the U.S.-Mexico Canada Agreement entered into force in 2020 during President Trump’s first term, companies in the three countries have re-oriented their supply chains to meet the demands of the agreement.

Recent and potential actions taken by the United States, Canada and Mexico could upend North American supply chains, and have impacts on the North American economy that go beyond just the cost of the tariffs that may be imposed by the three countries.

Please join WITA as we discuss the real world impacts of these actions on trade and commerce in North America.

Featured Speakers:

Shannon Fura, Page Fura, P.C., and Immediate Past Chair of the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones.

Turenna Ramírez, Partner Holland & Knight Mexico SC

Valerie Romero, Executive Vice President, Oremor Automotive Group (Ontario, CA); Chair, American International Automobile Dealers Association (AIADA)

Mark Shiring, CEO, Air Technology / Americas, ebm-papst Group

Laurie Tannous, Vice President Government Relations, Farrow; Chair, Canada US Business Association (CUSBA)

Moderator: Andrew Rudman, Senior Associate (non-resident), CSIS Latin America Program, Public Policy Fellow



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