Event videos

Library of past WITA events.


How “Economic Security” is Re-Shaping Presidential Power

WITA | 10/24/2024

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power “[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations,” but today the exercise of the foreign commerce power resides primarily with the executive branch. On October…

Regulating and Reforming De Minimis

WITA | 10/09/2024

On September 13, the Biden-Harris Administration announced new measures related to de minimis shipments to t...

WITA International Trade Reception at the WTO Public Forum

WITA International | 09/11/2024

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024 WITA held its first ever International...


WITA | 07/24/2024

  On Wednesday, July 24, at their 2024 Annual Awards Dinner (a/k/a the Trade Prom) the Washington Internationa...

Trade & Development – Renewing AGOA, GSP and HOPE/HELP for Haiti

WITA | 07/10/2024

On July 10, WITA discussed the prospects for renewal of the Generalized ...


America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.

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