Event videos

Library of past WITA events.


Senator Chris Coons on AGOA Reauthorization and Panel Discussion on the Future of US- Africa Trade and Investment

WITA | 06/18/2024

On June 18, WITA and the Wilson Center Africa Program held an event discussing the reauthorization of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and U.S- Africa trade and investment….

China Virtual Intensive Trade Seminar – 7 Sessions over 2 Days

WITA | 05/07/2024

Held on Thursday and Friday, May 9-10, this two-day China Intensive Trade Semin...

China and the Rise of Electric Vehicles

WITA | 08/03/2023

On Thursday, August 3 panelists looked at how Chinese companies, led by BYD, are making significant inro...

WITA Webinar: U.S. Industrial Policy, Subsidies, and Trade

WITA | 09/22/2022

With passage of the Chips and Science Act and the budget reconciliation bill, the U.S...

WITA Webinar: Made in China 2025 and Chinese Industrial Policy

WITA | 09/16/2022

The U.S. recently passed the CHIPS Act, in part a response to China’s own 2025 Pl...

WITA Webinar: Discussion with Representative Jimmy Gomez (D-CA)

WITA | 07/21/2021

On Wednesday, July 21, WITA co-hosted a webinar with the American Leadership Ini...


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