Event videos

Library of past WITA events.


Tax, Trade, & Investment: Examining Tax Reform

WITA | 02/15/2018

WITA hosted a distinguished panel to discuss President Trump’s recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and its implications for international trade and investment. The panelists included tax and…

US Agriculture Trade Agenda: Secretary Sonny Perdue

WITA | 10/04/2017

The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, discussed America’s agricultural trade agen...

NAFTA Series Agriculture Event

WITA | 09/13/2017

WITA hosted an event in the signature NAFTA Series about the agreement’s agenda for agriculture after USTR ...

NAFTA Series Kickoff Event

WITA | 07/20/2017

The NAFTA Series was launched by WITA to examine some of the more vexing issues that will face the three government a...

The Future of US-Brazil Trade Relations

WITA | 06/22/2017

WITA hosted a panel to examine the US-Brazil trade relationship and opportunities for the future. Paneli...

WITA Event: NAFTA 2.0?

WITA | 02/09/2017

Before a standing-room only crowd, WITA examined what revisiting the 23-year old agreement might look like.  Experts disc...

Border Adjustment Taxes, Tax Reform and Trade

WITA | 01/26/2017

Two expert panels were part of WITA’s signature event looking at the Brady-Ryan tax reform b...


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