
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


The China Challenge: The Stain of Forced Labor on Nike Shoes

Amelia Pang | Discourse Magazine | 01/05/2022

In March 2020, a damning report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute revealed that the Chinese government was forcing hundreds of young Uyghur women to produce Nike shoes in the…

The EU Should Use Its Trade Power Strategically

Cecilia Malmström | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 01/04/2022

The European Union’s intern...

A New Barometer of Global Supply Chain Pressures

Gianluca Benigno, Julian di Giovanni, Jan J. J. Groen, and Adam I. Noble | Liberty Street Economics | 01/04/2022

How Barriers To Trade Can Be Barriers To Climate Change Adaptation

Ishan Nath | VoxEU | 12/24/2021

A wide range of evidence suggests that global warming will have...

Supply Chain Disruptions — Are We Done Yet?

Jon Gold | National Retail Federation | 12/20/2021

We are less than one week from Christmas and the recurring questi...

Trump’s Trade War Was an Economic and Political Loss

Robert Krol | Discourse | 12/08/2021

The Biden administration should change course and embrace a more open...


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