A global trading system without the Russian Federation (and other autocratic states?) – what the fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine may mean for global trade
Terence Stewart | Current Thoughts on Trade | 03/15/2022
America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
Learn More >Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.
Stewart Paterson | Hinrich Foundation | 03/15/2022
As the EU and Russia reorientate their energy trade patterns to break their mutual dependency, Russia is likely to look east to the energy-hungry economies of Asia, and China in…
Terence Stewart | Current Thoughts on Trade | 03/15/2022
Chang-Tai Hsieh | Project Syndicate | 03/15/2022
China’s failure to purchase enough US exports under the flawed “phase one” trad...
Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea, Vanika Sharma, & Renata Zilli | European Centre for International Political Economy | 03/15/2022
Stephanie Honey | Trade Experettes | 03/14/2022
It has been four years since the Joint Declaration on Women’s Economic Empowe...
Frances G. Burwell | The National Interest | 03/13/2022
he Russian invasion of Ukraine has upend...
Terrence P. Stewart | Current Thoughts on Trade | 03/13/2022
America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
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