
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Why a USTR Report Represents Another Step Back for Digital Trade

Amir Nasr | Disruptive Competition Project (DisCo) | 04/02/2024

On March 29, USTR released its 2024 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, which can be found here. This article is a critique of provisions impacting U.S. digital…

U.S. Trade Policy Is at a Crossroads

Edward Alden | Council on Foreign Relations | 04/01/2024

Biden’s trade agenda is trying to tackle climate change, domestic jo...

Moving from Missed Opportunities to Actual Harm

William Alan Reinsch | Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) | 04/01/2024

On March 29, the Office ...

The Export-Led Model is Evolving, Not Dying

Jayant Menon | East Asia Forum | 03/23/2024

While the rise in anti-globalisation sentiment may have preceded COVID-19,...

Why Have Developing Countries Soured on Multilateralism?

Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg | Project Syndicate | 03/19/2024

While political disputes over specific prov...

The Missing Dimension: Global Rules for Digital Trade

Deborah Elms | Tech for Good Institute | 03/14/2024

How many global rules exist to govern digital trade? It’...


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