
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


The WTOʼs Upcoming 12th Ministerial Conference to be Held in Geneva the Week of June 13, 2022 — What Can be Expected in the Current Geopolitical Environment?

Terrence P. Stewart | Current Thoughts on Trade | 04/23/2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has twice delayed the 12th Ministerial Conference from its original date in June 2020. Assuming the Ministerial Conference in fact takes place the week of June 13,…

Defining Success for MC12

Alan Wm. Wolff | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 10/29/2021

The future well-being of the world economy and amicable rel...

The future of world trade depends on US leadership

Jennifer Hillman and Inu Manak | The Hill | 10/21/2021

The fate of the world’s leading trade institution hangs ...


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