
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Section 301 Tariff Exclusions and Extensions, Continued

Christine McDaniel & Polina Prokof’yeva | Mercatus Center of George Mason University | 05/10/2022

A look at consumer technology products industries In 2018, the Trump administration initiated an investigation into China’s technology, intellectual property, and innovation practices under Section 301 of the Trade Act…

China Bought None Of The Extra $200 Billion Of US Exports In Trump’s Trade Deal

Chad P. Brown | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 02/08/2022

Phase 1 with China Failed. It’s Time for Phase 2.

Scott Paul | Alliance for American Manufacturing | 01/19/2022

Two years ago the Trump administration announce...

Trump’s Trade War Was an Economic and Political Loss

Robert Krol | Discourse | 12/08/2021

The Biden administration should change course and embrace a more open...


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