
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


How President Biden Can Reinvigorate Global Development and Diplomacy

George Ingram | Brookings | 11/09/2020

American diplomacy and development are poised for reinvigoration. Coming to town in January are the 46th President and the 117th Congress, so at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue will be…

Free Trade Is Over

Edoardo Campanella | Foreign Policy | 11/05/2020

The United States is emerging from this presidential election as divided as ever: geographical...

How Feasible is Decoupling from China?

RAGUL PALANISAMI | Asia & The Pacific Policy Society | 11/03/2020

Since assuming office, the Trump administration has often...

EU Faces Knotty Trade Fights with US, No Matter Who Wins

David McHugh | Associated Press | 11/01/2020

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — After winemakers, cookie bakers, a...


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