
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


The Trade Law Tool Box: What the Administration and the Private Sector May Use to Advance The Trump Administration’s Agenda

Terence P. Stewart | 03/22/2017

These slides were prepared by Mr Stewart for his presentation at WITA’s “The Trade Law Toolbox” event on March 23, 2017. The event looked at what we might expect to see from…

Take a Patriotic Vacation to Johnstown, Pa.

Bill Lane | 01/12/2017

A true protectionist would tax travel: Visiting Aruba is just like importing leisure. The stron...

Is Bilateralism the Future of US Trade Policy? Should it be?

Kimberly Ann Elliott | 01/04/2017

WASHINGTON –  In the wake of recent stumbles in multilateral and re...

The President’s Long-Forgotten Power To Raise Tariffs

John Veroneau and Kate Gibson | 12/20/2016

President-elect Trump’s expressed interest in possibly raising ...

The Truth about the United States and International Trade

Stephen Creskoff | 11/04/2016

 During the 2016 elections Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and other politic...


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