
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


The Ideal Free Trade Agreement

Dan Mitchell | International Liberty | 01/16/2019

I’m for free trade because I want more jobs and more prosperity for the United States. Indeed, I’ve argued we should copy that incredible economic success of Hong Kong and Singapore by unilaterally eliminating all…

Evaluating the New NAFTA

Simon Lester and Inu Manak | CATO | 10/03/2018

Evaluating the New NAFTA There’s a lot in the new NAFTA (technically, the US-Mexico-Canad...

Timeless Wisdom During A Trade War

Stephen Lamar, Executive Vice Present, American Apparel & Footwear Association | 08/01/2018

How do global value chains fare du...

On the Current State of the World Trading System

Alan Wolff | 04/04/2018

WASHINGTON, DC – April 4, 2018–My object today is to sort through the noise of the curren...

The Broken Multilateral Trade Dispute System

Terence P. Stewart | 02/07/2018

INTRODUCTION WASHINGTON, DC – February 7th, 2018 – The World Trade Organization (WTO...


America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.

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