
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


The COVID-19 nutrition crisis: What to expect and how to protect

Derek Headey & Marie Ruel | International Food Policy Research Institute | 04/23/2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has all the makings of a perfect storm for global malnutrition. The crisis will damage the nutritional status of vulnerable groups through multiple mechanisms. We can expect…

UK trade deals and opportunities post Brexit

Stewart Paterson | Hinrich Foundation Research | 04/20/2020

Since 1973, the UK’s pattern of trade has been dramatical...

Poverty and food insecurity could grow dramatically as COVID-19 spreads

David Laborde, Will Martin, and Rob Vos | International Food Policy Research Institute | 04/16/2020

The Global Drug Supply Chain

Christopher Holt | American Action Forum | 04/10/2020

At the start of 2020, reducing the prices American patients pay for prescriptio...

Surface-Level Public Policy Prescriptions Exacerbate the Pandemic

Veronique de Rugy | Mercatus Center | 04/09/2020

A pandemic is not the time for imprudent public...

Trade and the COVID-19 crisis in developing countries

Alvaro Espitia, Nadia Rocha, and Michele Ruta | VoxEU | 04/09/2020

While COVID-19 is most virulent today in ...


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