
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Trump’s plan to bypass Congress on trade with Japan

Bruce Hirsh | Politico | 04/02/2019

Excerpt: …What if the Trump administration has in mind a staged approach that would avoid the need for congressional approval in the first stage? There are growing signs that the…

Trump Thinks “Trade Isn’t Tricky”

Ed Gerwin | Progressive Policy Institute | 03/06/2019

The mounting damage to America’s economy and global standing from Pr...

The Ideal Free Trade Agreement

Dan Mitchell | International Liberty | 01/16/2019

I’m for free trade because I want more jobs and more prosperity for the United S...

Report on and Remarks at The Paris Peace Forum Paris, France

Alan Wm. Wolff | World Trade Organization | 11/13/2018

Alan Wm. Wolff Deputy Director General World T...

Evaluating the New NAFTA

Simon Lester and Inu Manak | CATO | 10/03/2018

Evaluating the New NAFTA There’s a lot in the new NAFTA (technically, the US-Mexico-Canad...


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