
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Section 301 Tariff Exclusions and Extensions, Continued

Christine McDaniel & Polina Prokof’yeva | Mercatus Center of George Mason University | 05/10/2022

A look at consumer technology products industries In 2018, the Trump administration initiated an investigation into China’s technology, intellectual property, and innovation practices under Section 301 of the Trade Act…

How Is the U.S. Cooperating with Its European Allies on Issues of Technology?

Gregory Arcuri | Center for Strategic and International Studies | 04/05/2022


The Coming Trade Sanctions Against Russia

Michael Volkov | JD Supra | 01/19/2022

President Putin is making sure that Russia dominates the early 2022 headlines. As...

Digital Trade: More Questions Than Answers

William Reinsch | Center for Strategic & International Studies | 11/08/2021

After months of reflection, U.S. Trade Repr...

How the U.S. Can Compete with China on Digital Justice Technology

Jason Tashea | The Brookings Institution | 10/25/2021

China is exporting digital authoritarianis...

Decoupling Tech Supply Chains Would Do More Harm Than Good

Phil Levy | Tech Crunch | 10/23/2021

For a technology sector that would much prefer to focus on growth ...


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