
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Importers Bracing as U.S. Ramps Up Trade Tensions with EU

Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg , P.A | 07/21/2020

U.S. importers are preparing for another round of tariff increases on European Union goods as Washington continues to ramp up trade tensions with its transatlantic trade partner. ST&R will be…

Where the US-China Trade War Should Go From Here

Mayaz Alam | The Diplomat | 07/06/2020

With the fallout from the coronavirus further straining U.S.-China relatio...

The WTO and TPP amid the U.S.-China trade war

Kazuhito Yamashita | Japan Times | 06/29/2020

Robert Azevedo, director-general of the World Trade Organization, will...

Crustacean Follies

William Alan Reinsch | Center for Strategic and International Studies | 06/15/2020

I decided to take a break this week from writing about Democ...


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