
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


The EU-UK TCA: A Front-Runner in Trade and Sustainable Development

Ann-Evelyn Luyten | Trade Experettes | 07/02/2021

The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which was signed on 30th December 2020 and provisionally entered into force on 1st January 2021, establishes a tariff-free and quota-free trade relationship between the European Union (EU)…

The EU’s Carbon Border Tax is Likely to do More Harm than Good

Uri Dadush | Policy Center for the New South | 07/01/2021

The EU’s proposed carbon border t...

Ensuring a Greener Recovery Through Trade

UN Conference on Trade and Development | 06/08/2021

Leading figures convene at the UN Trade Forum 2021 to explore how to...

Building Back Better: Is Green Growth the Answer?

Jack Barrie, Patrick Schröder | Chatham House | 06/02/2021

This year has been coined a ‘super year‘ for the env...

Why Trade Must be Part of the Solution to Biodiversity Loss

UN Conference on Trade and Development | 05/21/2021

Unsustainable trade is behind the biodiversity cri...

How US Trade Policy Can Support Climate Change Goals

Jeffrey J. Schott | Peterson Institute For International Economics | 05/20/2021

Responding to President Josep...

Biden’s Worker-Centered Trade Policy: Whose Workers?

Desiree LeClercq | World Trade Law | 05/16/2021

As Simon mentioned in an earlier post, various labor-relate...


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