
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Expanding the CPTPP: A form guide to prospective members

Dr Jeffrey Wilson and Hayley Channer | Lowy Institute | 02/22/2021

In February, the United Kingdom became the first nation to formally apply to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the 11 country free trade deal…

FPAA welcomes ITC blueberry decision


The Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA) has welcomed the finding by th...

China’s Technological Predation Threatens U.S. Security

Daniel J. Ikenson | Cato Institute | 02/10/2021

With broad, bipartisan support from Congress, the Biden...

The Future of Trade Shows

James Patterson | OCO Global | 01/25/2021

Throughout 2020, most businesses have had to adapt their way of working one way or another, th...

Biden’s first defeat: The China-EU trade agreement

Claude Barfield | AEI | 01/04/2021

So much for the effusions about a new era of transatlantic cooperation and...

The pandemic’s phantom trade collapse

WEIFENG ZHONG | ORF | 12/30/2020

If you were shocked by the global trade collapse at the onset of COVID-19, you would be p...


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