
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Resilience vs. Efficiency

William Alan Reinsch | Center for Strategic and International Studies | 06/14/2021

Last week, the Biden administration produced its report on supply chains in four critical sectors: semiconductor chips, batteries, critical minerals, and pharmaceuticals. Two hundred and fifty pages and 23 recommendations…

China Is the Elephant in the Room as Europe Targets American Tech

Glenn S. Gerstell | Barron's | 06/07/2021

Managing competition with an ever more assertive Chin...

Ending the Race to the Bottom

Tom Conway | United Steelworkers | 05/31/2021

Chris Reisinger and his co-workers recently added a third daily shift at the Metal Te...

Trade Adjustment for a Worker-Centered Trade Policy

Timothy Meyer | American Leadership Initiative | 03/31/2021

In campaigning for the White House, President Joe...


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