
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Phase 1 with China Failed. It’s Time for Phase 2.

Scott Paul | Alliance for American Manufacturing | 01/19/2022

Two years ago the Trump administration announced it had reached a “very large” and “historic” trade deal with the Chinese government. Sort of. It was less of a deal and…

Is It Time For A New Approach To Bilateral Trade With China?

Terrence P. Stewart | Current Thoughts on Trade | 01/16/2022

Press accounts last week reviewed new re...

Can the United States Really Decouple From China?

Jeffrey Kucik and Rajan Menon | Foreign Policy | 01/11/2022

Despite their differences, U.S. President Joe Biden ...

The China Challenge: The Stain of Forced Labor on Nike Shoes

Amelia Pang | Discourse Magazine | 01/05/2022

In March 2020, a damning report from the Australian Str...

Trump’s Trade War Was an Economic and Political Loss

Robert Krol | Discourse | 12/08/2021

The Biden administration should change course and embrace a more open...

Is The Africa-China Relationship At Its Lowest Or Highest Level Yet?

Leah Lynch, Hannah Ryder, and Jing Cai | The Diplomat | 12/06/2021

As President Xi Jinping co...


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