
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Collectively Calling Out China on Trade Aggression

Wendy Cutler and James Green | The Straits Times | 11/24/2020

As all eyes were on the United States presidential election in recent weeks, Beijing was aiming its trade arrows at Canberra. Australian timber, coal, wine and beef exporters were being…

Opinion: China’s Cozying to US Allies Is Biden’s Issue Now

Ashutosh Pandey | Deutsche Welle | 11/16/2020

  President Donald Trump pulled out of the Tr...

China Goes from Strength to Strength in Global Trade

Tianlei Huang and Nicholas R. Lardy | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 11/16/2020



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