Border regimes and knowledge spillovers through the supply chain
Bruno Merlevede and Victoria Purice | VoxEU | 03/29/2019
Supplying inputs to multinational firms ...
America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
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Tara Golshan, Dylan Scott | Vox Media | 03/30/2019
It’s a pretty safe bet that no candidate is going to campaign as a free trader in the 2020 Democratic primary, setting up the potential for a large-scale realignment on a…
Bruno Merlevede and Victoria Purice | VoxEU | 03/29/2019
Supplying inputs to multinational firms ...
Jeromin Zettelmeyer | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 03/27/2019
The recent embrace of economic nat...
Ana M. Fernandes, Peter J. Klenow, Sergii Meleshchuk, Denisse Pierola, and Andres Rodriguez-Clare | Ifo Institute for Economic Research | 03/27/2019
Brad W. Setser | Council on Foreign Relations | 03/27/2019
3/26/2019 The tax strategies of American (and other) multinationals incr...
Mary E. Burfisher, Frederic Lambert, and Troy D Matheson | IMF | 03/26/2019
The North-American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) betwee...
Adele Bergin, Philip Economides, Abian Garcia-Rodriguez, Gavin Murphy | Economic and Social Research Institution | 03/26/2019
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America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
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