America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Cross-Border Trade and Corruption along the Haiti-Dominican Republic Border

Michael Matera, Mary Speck, Linnea Sandin & Mark Schneider | CSIS | 03/20/2019

An economic chasm separates the two countries sharing the island of Hispaniola. Until the mid-twentieth century, both had roughly the same GDP, but while the Dominican Republic (DR) has enjoyed…

Pining for Norway – The EEA Models

Victoria Hewson | Institute of Economic Affairs | 03/19/2019

As the Article 50 negotiations have progressed and Parliamen...

Brexit delay will not postpone deglobalisation

Peter A.G. van Bergeijk | VoxEU | 03/18/2019

Many associate Brexit and the Trumpian trade wars with the start of a ...

US–EU Trade Relations in the Trump Era Which Way Forward?

Marianne Schneider-Petsinger | Chatham House | 03/14/2019

Since the election of President Trump in 201...

The European Union’s response to the trade crisis

Uri Dadush and Guntram B. Wolff | Bruegel | 03/14/2019

The global trading system, a source of prosperity, is u...


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