Trade Attitudes in Latin America: Evidence from a Multi-Country Survey Experiment
Inter-American Development Bank | 04/30/2019
This paper examines individual-leve...
America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
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Tori Whiting and Gabriella Beaumont-Smith | The Heritage Foudation | 04/30/2019
Trade has been a primary topic of public policy discussion over the past two years. Much of the discussion has focused on determining ways to stop the alleged unfair trade…
Inter-American Development Bank | 04/30/2019
This paper examines individual-leve...
Matěj Bělín and Jan Hanousek | VoxEU | 04/29/2019
The annexation of the Crimean peninsula by the Russ...
Claude Barfield | American Enterprise Institute | 04/29/2019
With trade po...
Chad P. Brown | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 04/29/2019
In 2018, the Uni...
Antonella Nocco, Gianmarco Ottaviano & Matteo Salto | VoxEU | 04/28/2019
Multilateralism in trade is...
Andrea Andrenelli, Iza Lejàrraga, Sébastien Miroudot, and Letizia Montinari | OECD | 04/25/2019
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America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
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