America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Progressive International Policy Priorities

CEPR Report | 06/14/2019

  Progressive International Policy Priorities 1.  More democratic and accountable international financial institutions   >Voting shares within these institutions should be reformed so as to better reflect countries’ global weight…

The European Union’s Global Strategy Three Years On, Looking Forward

European External Action Service | 06/14/2019

We never thought of the Global Strategy a...

Trade For You Too: Why is trade more important than you think?

Lars Nilsson et al. | European Commission | 06/13/2019

Abstract: This paper highlights the importan...

The Strategic Threat from Iranian Hybrid Warfare in the Gulf

Anthony H. Cordesman | CSIS | 06/13/2019

[From the Center for Strategic and International Studies] Th...

Trump’s First Trade Deal: The Slightly Revised Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

Simon Lester, Inu Manak, and Kyounghwa Kim | Cato Institute | 06/13/2019


Maximizing Job-Creation Bang-for-Buck by Reducing Import Leakages

Josh Bivens | Economic Policy Institute | 06/13/2019

Americans across the political spectrum con...

The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Labor Rights and Environmental Protection

David A. Gantz | Baker Institute | 06/13/2019

The evolution of labor and environmental...


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