America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Dilemmas of Deterrence: The United States’ Smart New Strategy Has Six Daunting Trade-Offs

Hal Brands & Zack Cooper | Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) | 03/12/2024

The following brief is a part of the Marshall Papers – a series of essays, edited by Jude Blanchette of CSIS and Hal Brands of SAIS, that probes and challenges…

Can Trade Intervention Lead to Freer Trade?

Michael Pettis | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | 02/23/2024

The global trading system has been broken for...

On a Collision Course: China’s Existential Threat to America’s Auto Industry and its Route Through Mexico

Matthew McMullan, Scott Paul, Cathalijne Adams, Scott Boos, & Elizabeth Brotherton-Bunch | Alliance for American Manufacturing | 02/20/2024

13th WTO Ministerial Conference: What is at Stake for Digital Trade?

Marília Maciel | Diplo | 02/19/2024

The thirteenth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade...

Transatlantic Climate Statecraft and Global Economic Order

Peter S. Rashish | American-German Institute | 02/12/2024

Part I: A Pluralist International Economic La...

Preview of the World Trade Organization’s 2024 Ministerial Conference

Gisela Grieger | European Parliamentary Research Service | 02/06/2024

The World Trade ...


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