America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Legislative Trade Agenda for 2020

Tori Smith, Rachael Wolpert and Riley Walters | The Heritage Foundation | 05/18/2020

The freedom of individuals to buy and sell with one another, without government intervention, is an essential component of a free society. That is why The Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of…

The U.S. Should Make Greater Use of the WTO, Not Withdraw

Riley Walters | The Heritage Foundation | 05/13/2020

Every five years, under U.S. law, Congress may con...

Important New Features in the USMCA

David A. Gantz | Baker Institute | 05/05/2020

As in the case of an earlier Baker Institute report discussing provisions that c...

The Great Lockdown: Was it worth it?

Daniel Gros | CEPS | 05/05/2020

What the IMF calls the ‘great lockdown’ has thrown Europe and the global economy into deep re...

Investment Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic

UNCTAD | 05/04/2020

The global spread of COVID-19 is strongly affecting foreign investment. The recent Global...


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