America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


An Assessment of Fishing Vessel Capacity on Subsidies, Non-Tariff Measures, and Attaining Sustainable Development Goals

Radika Kumar and Jadhav Chakradhar | Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade | 05/22/2019

Fish is an important commodity traded globally. It is also an essential source of protein for many people. It has estimated that worldwide one billion people (at least partly) depend…

The Effects of Trade Policy Might be More Diverse than Most Economists Think

Peter Egger and Katharina Erhardt | VoxEU | 05/03/2019

When economists model changes ...

11 Common Questions About U.S. Trade with China

Tori Whiting and Gabriella Beaumont-Smith | The Heritage Foudation | 04/30/2019

Trade has been a primary topic of ...

Global Value Chain Development Report 2019

David Dollar | World Trade Organization, the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Research Center of Global Value Chains headquartered at the University of International Business and Economics (RCGVC-UIBE), the World Bank Group, and the China Development Research Foundation | 04/13/2019

The WTO Panel Report on Article XXI and its Impact on Section 232 Actions

Terence P. Stewart and Shahrzad Noorbaloochi | Stewart and Stewart | 04/11/2019

On Frida...

Nutritional Regulation and International Trade in APEC Economies: The New Chilean Food Labeling Law

Rodrigo Polanco, Sofia Boza and Macarena Espinoza | Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy | 03/31/2019


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