America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Trade and Development Report 2022

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | 10/03/2022

Development prospects in a fractured world : Global disorder and regional responses Chapter I: Global Trends and Prospects A. TOO CLOSE TO THE EDGE 1. A year of serial crises…

Global Trade Update 2022

UNCTAD | 02/17/2022

Global trade growth remained strong during 2021, as its value continued to increase through each quarter of 2021. Tra...

Emerging Strategies For Ports During The Pandemic

UNCTAD | 02/09/2022

The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020. Immediately, ports...

An Assessment of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Tariff Concessions

UNCTAD | 11/19/2021

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RC...

Trade And Development Report 2021

UNCTAD | United Nations | 09/15/2021

At this writing, eighteen months have passed since the Covid-19 outbreak was declared a pan...

Global Trade Update

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | 10/21/2020

How are some of the world’s major economies faring? Official statistics for s...


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