America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Climate 21 Project: Transition Memo for USTR

Christy Goldfuss | Tim Profeta | Kristina Costa | Jeremy Symons | CLIMATE 21 PROJECT | 11/12/2020

Executive Summary Climate change is unique among the issues facing the President, because both the effects and the policy solutions to the challenge defy neat categorization. Climate change is already…

Transition Recommendations For Climate Governance and Action

Christy Goldfuss | Tim Profeta | Joseph Aldy | Robert Bonnie | Michael Boots | Jason Bordof | Megan Ceronsky | Rick Duke | Joseph Goffman | Jason Grumet | Andrew Mayock | Nat Keohane | Kate Konschnik | Brenda Mallory | Jeremy Symons | Dan Utech | Climate 21 Project | 11/01/2020

Memorandum on Priorities for 2021 Economic Talks with China

Nicholas R. Lardy | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 10/31/2020

Economic negotiations...

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms

Rachel F. Fefer | Congressional Research Service | 10/13/2020

The Limits of Trade Adjustment Assistance The TAAF program tar...

COVID-19: China Medical Supply Chains and Broader Trade Issues

Karen M. Sutter, Michael D. Sutherland, and Andres B. Schwarzenberg | Congressional Research Service | 10/08/2020


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