America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Bolten Testimony Before Senate Committee on Foreign Relations “Tariffs: Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy and the International Economy”

Joshua Bolten | Business Roundtable | 07/12/2018

Chairman Corker, Ranking Member Menendez, Members of the Foreign Relations Committee, thank you for holding this important hearing. I am grateful for the opportunity to testify on behalf of Business…

A 10-Point User Guide to the Trump Tariff Wars

Robert D. Atkinson and Stephen Ezell | The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation | 07/09/2018

Summary P...

Round 3: ‘Trade Discussion’ or ‘Trade War’? The Estimate Impacts of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum

Dr. Joseph Francois, Laura M. Baughman, and Daniel Anthony | The Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC | 06/15/2018

The Founders and Free Trade: The Foreign Commerce Power and America’s National Interest

Carson Holloway | The Heritage Foundation | 05/29/2018

The Dangers o...

Might Unmakes Right: The American Assault on the Rule of Law in World Trade

James Bacchus | 05/18/2018

As Thucydides taught in his Melian Dialogue, there are alwa...

Rebooting U.S.-China Trade Ties: “Enter Ye Through the Narrow Gate”

Chris Johnson | 05/16/2018

Nearly two weeks after the U.S. “Trade Avengers” unleashed duri...

Trump Tariffs Primarily Hit Multinational Supply Chains, Harm US Technology Competitiveness

Mary E. Lovely and Yang Liang | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 05/15/2018


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