Estimated Impacts of US Sections 232 and 301 Trade Actions on the US and Global Economies: A Supply Chain Prospective 2018-2030
Terrie Walmsley and Peter Minor | ImpactECON | 11/27/2018
America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
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Adam Triggs | The Brookings Institution | 12/01/2018
Ten years ago, G-20 countries displayed an unprecedented level of multilateral cooperation in response to the global financial crisis. How times have changed. This weekend’s G-20 summit in Buenos Aires…
Terrie Walmsley and Peter Minor | ImpactECON | 11/27/2018
UK Project Group | The Institute of International & European Affairs | 11/20/2018
This special edition of the Brexit Brief examines t...
Benedikt Zoller-Rydzek and Gabriel Felbermayr | EconPol | 11/19/2018
Abstract On September 24th 2018, the United State...
James Bacchus, Simon Lester, and Huan Zhu | CATO Institute | 11/15/2018
There is a growing bipartisan sentimen...
Chad P. Bown, Euijin Jung and Eva (Yiwen) Zhang | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 11/15/2018
Phil Levy, Alex Hitch | Chicago Council on Global Affairs | 11/15/2018
The World Trade Organization ...
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America’s Trade Policy features commentary and analysis of international trade policy in the U.S. and around the world.
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