America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Tariffs and Politics: Evidence from Trump’s Trade Wars

Thiemo Fetzer and Carlo Schwarz | VoxEU | 04/23/2019

Tariff retaliation is widely believed to be politically motivated. This column presents evidence that retaliation against the Trump administration’s tariff hikes seems to be systematically targeted against the Republican voter base. China appears to…

Brexit: A Hard-but-Smart Strategy and its Consequences

Gabriel Felbermayr | Intereconomics | 04/17/2019

Would the United Kingdom really apply high EU external tar...

Where Do Democratic Presidential Candidates Stand on Trade?

Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Euijin Jung | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 04/01/2019

Even af...

Firm R&D investment, export market exposure, and trade policy

Bettina Peters, Mark Roberts and Van Anh Vuong | VoxEU | 03/30/2019

International markets can p...

The Return of Economic Nationalism in Germany

Jeromin Zettelmeyer | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 03/27/2019

The recent embrace of economic nat...

US–EU Trade Relations in the Trump Era Which Way Forward?

Marianne Schneider-Petsinger | Chatham House | 03/14/2019

Since the election of President Trump in 201...


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