America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Trade Policy on the 2020 Trail

William A. Reinsch, Jack Caporal, Beverly Lobo, & Catherine Tassin de Montaigu | Center For Strategic and International Studies | 06/25/2019

So far, most of the candidates stick to criticizing President Trump’s policies without being too specific about what they would do instead. A few brave ones have laid out their…

The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Labor Rights and Environmental Protection

David A. Gantz | Baker Institute | 06/13/2019

The evolution of labor and environmental...

Fiscal Policy Options for Japan

Olivier Blanchard and Takeshi Tashiro | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 05/31/2019

For many years, the Japanese ...

A History of Poverty Worldwide: How Poverty Reduction Accelerated in Recent Decades

David Rosnick | Center for Economic and Policy Research | 05/21/2019

Much has ...

Making Sanctions Bite: The EU–Russian Sanctions of 2014

Matěj Bělín and Jan Hanousek | VoxEU | 04/29/2019

The annexation of the Crimean peninsula by the Russ...

Geography, Competition, and Optimal Multilateral Trade Policy

Antonella Nocco, Gianmarco Ottaviano & Matteo Salto | VoxEU | 04/28/2019

Multilateralism in trade is...

The Consequences of a Permanent Customs Union

Shanker Singham | Institute of Economic Affairs | 04/25/2019

A customs union with the EU would come with significant...


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