America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


How COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chains Emerged In The Midst Of A Pandemic

Chad P. Bown & Thomas J. Bollyky | Peterson Institute For International Economics | 08/01/2021

Many months after COVID-19 vaccines were first authorized for public use, still limited supplies could only partially reduce the devastating loss of life and economic costs caused by the pandemic….

The EU’s Unsustainable China Strategy

Pepjin Bergsen | Chatham House | 07/09/2021

In recent years, the EU’s approach to China has mainly focused on economic fac...

Service Offshoring and Export Experience

Giuseppe Berlingieri, Luca Marcolin, Emanuel Ornelas | Centre for Economic Policy Research | 06/06/2021

Service inputs ar...


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