America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Reality Bytes: The Limits of Transatlantic Digital Co-Operation

Zach Meyers | Centre for European Reform | 07/13/2021

The EU and the US plan to boost co-operation on digital policy. They should not prioritise regulatory harmonisation, and instead work on areas where mutual compromise is more realistic. When US…

Trade and Tax in a Digital World

Deborah Elms | Asian Trade Centre, The Hinrich Foundation | 07/07/2021

Neither trade nor tax are new issues. What is new are the...

The Economic Costs of Restricting the Cross-Border Flow of Data

Daniela Chikova, Erik Peterson | European Centre for International Political Economy, Kearney Global Business Policy Council | 06/30/2021

Central Bank Digital Currency: A Boon to the Global Trading System?

Stewart Paterson | Hinrich Foundation | 06/01/2021

The debate over Central Bank Digital Curren...


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