America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Securing Semiconductor Supply Chains: An Affirmative Agenda for International Cooperation

William A. Reinsch, Emily Benson, and Aidan Arasasingham | Center For Strategic And International Studies | 08/02/2022

Technological innovation has been a driving force for U.S. global leadership and economic prosperity for over a century. This legacy of innovation largely stands on the foundation of a key…

Improving International Regulatory Cooperation in an Age of Trade Skepticism

Reeve T. Bull | Brookings | 07/14/2022

In the run-up to the 2016 election, an interes...

A Populist Progressive Path Forward on Trade Policy

Michael F. Dolan | Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung | 06/10/2022

This trade policy reform update is situated in a spec...

Public Responses to Foreign Protectionism: Evidence From the US-China Trade War

David A. Steinberg & Yeling Tan | The Review of International Organizations | 06/08/2022

What Should U.S. Economic Diplomacy Look Like in the Indo-Pacific?

Patrick Baker and Laurene Lee | Yeutter Institute | 05/15/2022

Introduction In the five years f...


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