America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Chinese Investment in Latin America: Sectoral Complementarity and the Impact of China’s Rebalancing

Ding Ding, Fabio Di Vittorio, Ana Lariau, Yue Zhao | The International Monetary Fund | 06/07/2021

Over the last decade China’s investment in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has increased substantially in volume and become more diversified from natural resources to other industries. Using cross-border…

Trade Trends Estimate: Latin America and the Caribbean

The Inter-American Development Bank | 06/03/2021

The Covid-19 pandemic hit Latin American trade flows hard...

US-Brazil Trade and FDI: Enhancing the Bilateral Economic Relationship

Abrão Neto, Ken Hyatt, Daniel Godinho, and Lisa Schineller With Roberta Braga | ApexBrasil and the Atlantic Council | 03/04/2020

Venezuela: Overview of U.S. Sanctions

Clare Ribando Seelke | Congressional Research Service | 10/16/2019

For more than a decade, the United States has employed sa...

Argentina’s Economic Crisis

Rebecca M. Nelson | Congressional Research Service | 10/10/2019

Argentina is grappling with a serious economic crisis. Its currency,...

Dark Pharma: Counterfeit and Contraband Pharmaceuticals in Central America

Peter Tinti | Atlantic Council | 06/20/2019

[Research from the Atlantic Council] [To r...

Nutritional Regulation and International Trade in APEC Economies: The New Chilean Food Labeling Law

Rodrigo Polanco, Sofia Boza and Macarena Espinoza | Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy | 03/31/2019


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