America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Will the WTO Survive without the United States?

Jin Kyo Suh | Korea Institute for International Economic Policy | 10/19/2018

  The rule-based multilateral trading system is in grave danger. The U.S.’ continuous blocking the reappointment of WTO Judges is a major reason for a crisis in the WTO system….

EU Trade Policy in the Age of U.S. Protectionism

Marta Makowska, Marek Wąsińsk | The Polish Institute for International Affairs | 10/18/2018

In the escalation o...

The EU facing of the hostility of President Trump

Federico Steinberg | Elcano Royal Institute | 10/15/2018

The EU facing of the hostility of President Trump Them...

The EU response to US trade tariffs

Maria Demertzis and Gustav Fredriksson | Bruegel | 10/11/2018

The EU response to US trade tariffs The first half of 2018 has s...

The TPP: Origins and Outcomes

Jeffrey J. Schott | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 10/10/2018

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was an internati...

Credit and Credibility: Risks to China’s Economic Resilience

Logan Wright, Daniel Rosen | Center for Strategic International Studies | 10/09/2018

Executive Summ...


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